Branched Scenario eLearning

Branched Scenario eLearning

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Handling Customer Complaints

Needs Analysis

In reviewing customer service satisfaction scores, stakeholders uncovered a correlation between low scores and new agents - specifically when they encountered customer dissatisfaction. Managers were enlisted to observe new agents in action and determined that there were three skills that they needed to instill in their new hires: professional verbiage to use when addressing customer issues, best practices to save an escalating situation, and the ability to think quickly and make decisions to restore customer consumer confidence.

Training Goal

To improve customer satisfaction scores by giving new agents the opportunity to practice handling customer complaints in a safe online space.

Course Design

Since stakeholders were interested in deploying training quickly and to a remote audience, I concluded that a highly interactive eLearning course would be the best fit. Using information gleaned by the managers, I constructed a course map based on the Backward Design model. I began with the central training goal and formulated the desired course objectives, fleshed out with measurable action verbs (Bloom’s Taxonomy), and from there outlined the necessary skills / tools. From there, I developed the activities as well as the included quiz assessment, which will provide the basis for the live coaching assessment tool. The course relies on branched customer scenarios that put the learners in realistic situations in which their choices determine their destiny. Learners are encouraged to try multiple paths to experience the resulting outcomes, thereby gaining a feel for different ways to neutralize concerns and provide satisfying resolutions.

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Course Mapping

Preliminary outline of desired skills